welcome to the largest agroforestry knowledge ecosystem in the planet

online agroforestry knowledge community
. internationally recognized certification
offsets your carbon footprint

a living journey to the agroforestry knowledge ecosystem

where ancestral knowledge entangles with the most innovative practices for the agroforestry transition.

is the first and most robust regenerative agroforestry knowledge sharing ecosystem existing

get to know the courses

here, you undertake a path of continuing technical training

>> são 3 estágios progressivos <<

at each stage completed, you will receive a certificate and an agroforestry professional badge. after completing the entire cycle, you will become an agroforestry multiplier technician with a complete PRETATERRA certification, in a wide range, from the field to the academy, being also able to pilot the latest planning software for existing agroforestry designs

Module 1

60+ hours of training, amongst classes, study activities, and assessments

the PIONEER is the entry module into the agroforestry world. the content was thought to satisfyanyone who wants to start their career or create their agroforestry. Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to produce their own food in harmony with nature and help other people and communities to become more resilient, in addition to going to the countryside and putting their hands on the land with confidence, starting their journey as an agroforestry professional

de:  R$ 549,00 por: R$ 495,00
5x R$ 99,00 sem juros

Among other topics, we will see in this course:

  • Why agroforestry is necessary and why agroforestry-based agriculture is more resilient.
  • How natural succession and stratification work, biodiversity, and the dynamic balance of nature, based on plant intelligence and forest biomechanics.
  • How to make a holistic analysis of the landscape, based on permaculture, understanding water dynamics in the landscape, and the agroforestry application of different sciences.
  • The fundamentals of agroforestry design, the creation and implementation of agroforestry in all environments, and the importance and analysis of the financial viability of agroforestry systems.
  • A journey into the world's most iconic and known agroforestry systems and practices.
  • What are the models, movements, and schools of regenerative agriculture, from biodynamics to syntropy.
  • Alternative practices for urban agriculture and how to do agroforestry in cities.
  • The biogeography of the Earth, the world's agri-food systems and the origin of food, and the causes and consequences of climate change for the future of humanity.
  • Practical classes in which we will create an agroforestry garden for the production of our own food, based on all the concepts and practices learned, from soil preparation and application of inputs, choice of species, and definition of arrangement and management.
  • Presenting a whole PRETATERRA business agroforestry case, we will understand how black pepper agroforestry was implemented in Sumatra.


“Essa aula foi sensacional. Um PUTA conhecimento!!!! Parabéns gente, já li "A vida secreta das arvores", agora vou ler os outros que vocês indicaram.”
Henrique Pompilio
“O curso é excelente, e o trabalho do Valter e da Paula é uma verdadeira inspiração. O PRETATERRA me fez me apaixonar pelas práticas agroflorestais. Seguirei as próximas formações após o Pioneer, com certeza!”
Raquel Gagliano
“Eu que já sou fã do trabalho da PRETATERRA, fiquei encantado com essa aula porque acredito que vocês colocaram o coração nela. Tenho tentado pregar há muito tempo que o uso da lenha é uma forma de energia renovável e que seu uso só pode trazer bons resultados , mas a informação mentirosa, que infelizmente é a que mais tem espaço, faz as pessoas acreditarem no contrário. Parabéns Valter e Paula!”
Marcelino Sant'Anna
"Adoro os vídeos curtos e os materiais de leitura complementando e dando mais fundamento ao aprendizado. Uma experiência bem mais favorável que outras de curso online que tive."
Arjuna Cordaro
"Passando só pra falar que comecei o curso essa semana e to amando! O conteúdo, as indicações, as imagens, trilha sonora, tudo!!!! Parabéns"
Giovanna Samesina
"Sou aluno do Pioneer. Este curso é muito muito muito bom mesmo! Vocês são ótimos professores, explicam tudo com muito fundamento, selecionaram um extenso material de excelente qualidade e ainda abordam temas complementares ( sobre ecologia, mudanças climáticas, sustentabilidade, etc. ) Parabéns e obrigada" !
Fernanda Brozoski
"Excelente material didático, tanto as aulas como o material de apoio."
Juliana Maurer
"Eu estou na aula 8 e estou impressionada com a qualidade das aulas, dos vídeos e das leituras complementares. Não cheguei nem na metade do curso e tenho certeza que foi um excelente investimento!"
Nina Standersk
"Curso incrível, conteúdo riquíssimo de experiencia única. Parabéns a TODOS os envolvidos na produção, comunicação e na reprodução do mesmo."
Rafael Maciel
module 2

here begins the professional immersion in agroforestry. Upon completion of INTERMEDIATE, the student will be able to develop agroforestry designs using PRETATERRA's exclusive methodology. your skillset will have increased and you will be able to lead the regeneration of your land and your transition to the farm with more technical and ecological assurance, in addition to offering a wider range of services in the regenerative expanding market!

module 3

At the end of the CLIMAX module, the student will be fully able to act as a consultant, offering a complete range of agroforestry services and transforming degraded landscapes into productive biodiverse systems. here the student will experience mastery of knowledge about planning and managing rural properties and agroforestry systems, leading teams and creating regenerative business plans

a complete platform of agroforestry knowledge

The PRETATERRA Academy community is an interactive, exclusive, and completely disruptive meeting space, where all the people who graduated by PRETATERRA will be able to connect, live and co-create.

access is gained as soon as you finish PIONEER, the first course of our agroforestry training. with constant educational curation, you have access to consolidated knowledge and the most innovative news, gathered and organized in one place. 

you will also have global visibility within our talent gallery, an open window for opportunities, where you promote your work, have access to clients and partners and actively participates in the construction of a new way of doing agroforestry. 

agroforestry badges

PRETATERRA ACADEMY courses have professional value and are internationally recognized by an expanding regenerative market, with an exponential demand for agroforestry specialists.

to promote our experts and catalyze new agroforestry projects, at the end of the first course, students enter our exclusive community where they will have access to state-of-the-art content, networking, and professional opportunities worldwide.

the student will also be part of an open showcase of professionals certified by PRETATERRA, generating visibility and a global reputation.

In addition, your badge can be shared on LinkedIn and other social networks.

at PRETATERRA ACADEMY, enrollment in each of the courses contributes to the immediate regeneration of the planet and also generates reward through carbon credits!

By purchasing your course, you contribute to the planting and adoption of a tree  which will sequester the carbon equivalent to 3 months of your emissions. with each batch of courses, PRETATERRA will implement 1 hectare of agroforestry and you will know exactly where the tree you planted is. with each course completed, new trees will be planted.

your contribution to the regeneration of the planet starts already with the first module: for the entire duration of the course, you will be carbon neutral! we guarantee that you complete the course with your emissions compensated, also contributing to the restoration of forest corridors, providing ecosystem services and preserving wildlife.

meet your instructors

agroforestry is our passion and our harmonious way of living and existing on the planet. our goal is to agroforest the world and for that, we need to train trained and engaged professionals

Paula Costa

Valter Ziantoni

watch our TEDx and understand our agroforestry dream

is there any doubt yet?

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quer saber como é uma aula do PRETATERRA Academy?

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